Trabalhar com nossa equipe de vendas Vertiv possibilita que designs complexos sejam configurados de acordo com as suas necessidades específicas. Se você pertence a uma organização buscando orientação técnica para um projeto grande, a Vertiv pode proporcionar o suporte de que você necessita.

Saiba mais

Muitos clientes trabalham com um parceiro revendedor da Vertiv para comprar produtos Vertiv para suas aplicações de TI. Os parceiros têm amplo treinamento e experiência, e estão em uma posição única para especificar, vender e dar suporte a todas as soluções de infraestrutura e TI com os produtos da Vertiv.

Encontre um Revendedor

Já sabe do que você precisa? Quer a conveniência da compra on-line e envio? Algumas categorias de produtos Vertiv podem ser adquiridas por meio de um revendedor on-line.

Encontre um revendedor on-line

Precisa de ajuda para escolher um produto? Fale com um Especialista da Vertiv altamente qualificado que o ajudará e orientará para a solução certa.

Entre em contato com um Especialista da Vertiv

Founded on the principles of strong corporate governance

Vertiv’s actions are governed by policies, programs and operating principles that align with our Core Principles. 

Governança Corporativa


A estrutura de regras, práticas e processos de governança corporativa da Vertiv direciona e controla nossos negócios no interesse de acionistas, clientes, fornecedores e parceiros. Nosso Conselho de Administração é um grupo diversificado e experiente de líderes, responsáveis pela governança da empresa e pela proteção dos interesses dos stakeholders.

Data Privacy and Security

As a multinational corporation operating in and serving customers around the world, Vertiv implements a robust strategy to protect the data and information of our employees, company and customers.

Data privacy

Vertiv maintains multiple systems to ensure compliance with relevant data privacy regulations across the jurisdictions where we conduct business. Our Privacy Policy outlines the procedures for collecting, utilizing and sharing personal data by Vertiv, its subsidiaries and affiliates, along with the privacy options available to users of our services.


Vertiv employs a "defense-in-depth" strategy to safeguard both company and customer information. This approach employs multiple layers of defense mechanisms to fortify systems and data, ensuring that if one layer is compromised, others remain intact to thwart attacks and breaches. Our systems adhere to NIST 800-171 standards and, in certain regions, ISO 27001 requirements.

Product security

Our commitment to a defense-in-depth approach extends to the products and solutions we offer to our customers. Given the interconnected nature of our products and the sensitive information they handle within digital infrastructures, this aspect is crucial to our offerings.

Corporate Governance 

As of January 1, 2024, our Board included 11 members and three standing committees: Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. For a comprehensive overview of our Board’s corporate governance practices and Committee charters, please refer to our Corporate Governance Guidelines.


Corporate Governance Highlights 

The Board recognizes that one of its key responsibilities is to evaluate and determine its optimal leadership structure to ensure oversight of management and a high-functioning, engaged Board. When evaluating the structure, the Board may take into consideration a variety of criteria, such as, but not limited to, strategic priorities, skillsets of the independent directors, current market environment, the strengths and talents of Vertiv’s management team, and stockholder feedback. Thus, instead of taking a “one-size-fits all” approach to Board leadership, the Board selects the structure that it believes will provide the most effective leadership and oversight for the Company, taking into consideration the Company’s needs and circumstances at any given time.

In evaluating potential Board members, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee considers a wide array of factors, including experience, skills, expertise, diversity, personal and professional integrity, character, business judgment, time availability, dedication, conflicts of interest, applicable listing standards and such other relevant factors that the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee considers appropriate in the context of the needs of the Board of Directors.

Other highlights include:

  • Annual full Board elections/declassified Board
  • Code of Conduct
  • No poison pill
  • Robust stock ownership guidelines for company officers and directors
  • Prohibition of hedging and pledging

For more information on corporate governance at Vertiv, please see our 2024 Proxy Statement.

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