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Muitos clientes trabalham com um parceiro revendedor Vertiv, para comprar produtos Vertiv para as suas aplicações de IT. Os parceiros têm uma vasta formação e experiência, e estão posicionados de forma única para especificar, vender e apoiar soluções completas de TI e infraestruturas com produtos Vertiv.

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Vertiv Integrated Solutions


Vertiv Integrated Solutions is a single destination to gather industry relevant knowledge, build out fundamental solutions, and optimize the performance of your IT infrastructure for Edge and Data Center applications around the world.

What is Vertiv Integrated Solutions?

The reality of the IT landscape today is that many applications have changed the traditional definition of the data center. The deployment of IT assets occurs not just in a traditional data center, but can now be in a store, clinic, factory, warehouse, or home office. These applications require new solutions to address the different performance, environmental, geographic, and form factor challenges associated with the scale, speed, and complexity of these new environments.

What is the Edge?

The Edge is simply distributed IT deployed where the data is consumed: in retail locations, branch offices, university campuses or manufacturing plants. The changes happened over time, as technology evolved, to better support data utilization and demands for improved customer experience. With every organization becoming more digitized, the number of these sites is increasing, and their role is changing, so all these smaller data center facilities have been grouped together into a single data center type called the Edge. Whether it is called edge computing, fog computing, distributed IT or remote sites, they share the same challenges regarding availability and service management.

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Edge Archetypes 2.0

Deployment-Ready Edge Infrastructure Models

This report categorizes edge use cases and defines four distinct edge infrastructure models to guide deployment decisions. Gain insights on how to architect the optimal Edge computing infrastructure for your customer.


Edge Archetype Overview

Vertiv technology experts teamed up with an independent third-party consulting firm to analyze the edge landscape to better understand the shift of IT closer to the consumer. The research found over 100 common Edge use cases with 24 identified to have the greatest impact on businesses and end users. The experts were able to classify data-centric sets of workload requirements for each edge use case and the corresponding needs for performance, availability and security leading to the development of four edge archetypes; Data Intensive, Human-Latency Sensitive, Machine-to-Machine Latency Sensitive, and Life Critical. Each of these archetypes has unique challenges, but this analysis was able to provide clarity on the implications for each.

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