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Molti clienti si affidano ai reseller che sono partner di Vertiv per l’acquisto di prodotti ideali per le loro applicazioni IT. Affidati alle elevate competenze dei nostri partner che, grazie ai prodotti Vertiv, sono in grado di offrire soluzioni complete per infrastrutture e applicazioni IT: dalle specifiche alla vendita all’assistenza.

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Famiglia di prodotti


When you invest time and money into designing a new system, assembly, or critical facility, you need it to be done right, right from the start. The commissioning process ensures that this happens by aligning your entire project team and maintaining focus on meeting your requirements. Vertiv’s experienced commissioners maximize your return by delivering improved availability, enhanced safety, increased efficiency, and reduced operational costs.

Particolarmente adatto per:
  • Data CenterColocationHosting
  • Manufacturing
  • Power Generation
  • PowerGas Transmission and Distribution


Greater availability and reliability of critical systems is achieved through verification and documentation of proper system installation, start up, and operation 
Less unplanned downtime results from early detection and correction of problems 
Fewer repairs are likely due to proper planning and design of systems from day one
Reduced lifecycle costs result from optimizing system performance 
More convenient, single-source accountability is achieved through streamlined project management and communication from your commissioning agent
More cost-effective problem resolution arises from identifying issues early in the process  
Fuller system integration results from verifying that all system components work not just independently, but as an integrated system  
Better informed workforce occurs as the result of training verification and the development of quality system manuals and clear operating procedures 
Enhanced ongoing maintenance and performance optimization is achieved based on benchmarking data established during the commissioning process 
Improved efficiency results from verification of efficiency features as part of the commissioning process  
Enhanced safety and compliance results from identifying safety hazards during design reviews, inspections, testing, and occupancy 
Streamlined LEED certification process occurs by commissioning per LEED requirements
More substantial return on investment results from preventing problems and downtime 


Commissioning  specifications and plan documents are developed to clearly define the scope and schedule for all commissioning activities
Design review verifies alignment with the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) document, checks for quality and coordination, and ensures proper design specifications for each discipline
LEED commissioning occurs for those seeking certification and will involve a Commissioning Authority (CxA)
Schedule integration brings together commissioning and construction schedules for reporting to all parties
Contractor submittal reviews verify compliance with the OPR, evaluate submittals for system-wide operational considerations, and make recommendations for correcting any variances
Installation and startup is completed per the manufacturer’s recommendations, industry accepted standards, and the OPR
Pre-functional equipment verification for each major piece of equipment is completed to confirm compliance with the OPR and construction documents
Functional and integrated systems testing confirms all equipment operates per design intent and works collectively as an integrated system under designed load and emergency conditions 
Training verification from qualified trainers is provided for both O&M staff and facility owners
Commissioning report details the entire project to demonstrate systems are performing in accordance with the final OPR
Systems manual and operating procedures are developed to ensure O&M staff has the right resource for effective system operations for many years to come
System optimization allows for fine-tuning of equipment settings or schemes after the commissioned systems are operational
Seasonal testing is performed during the project’s occupancy phase because specific environmental conditions cannot be simulated during construction
Warranty review ensures any operational or system performance issues are resolved before the warranty expires

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Contatti di supporto prodotti

Visualizzazione dei contatti per Ohio, 43215, USA Cambia
Emergency Response for Services
+1 800 543 2378
Aree servizi di interesse: Servizi su progetto, Servizi di ottimizzazione delle prestazioni
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Aree servizi di interesse: Servizi su progetto, Servizi di ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, Pronto intervento, Manutenzione preventiva, Manutenzione preventiva per applicazioni industriali, Servizi remoti, Parti di ricambio e gestione delle parti di ricambio
Vertiv (Liebert Services)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Aree servizi di interesse: Servizi su progetto, Servizi di ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, Formazione, Pronto intervento, Manutenzione preventiva, Manutenzione preventiva per applicazioni industriali, Servizi remoti, Parti di ricambio e gestione delle parti di ricambio
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