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In the News

Understanding the drivers behind data centre demand

The growth of cloud computing has placed considerable demand on today's data centres.

Highlights from Datacloud Europe

Datacloud Europe, the premier congress and awards for investing, powering, connecting, building and deploying data centre, cloud and Edge infrastructure took place in Monaco on 12-14th June 2018. Here are some of our highlights!

What keeps you awake at night when it comes to the datacenter industry?

Lack of talent, supply chain and innovation are key topics in the datacenter industry. Listen to Rob Johnson’s opinion.

Is the datacenter industry really green or just greenwashed?

“Green is a business necessity” explains Giordano Albertazzi, Vertiv President in EMEA. The datacentre industry is looking for profit, energy savings and efficiency are an economic imperative. So, the industry is rapidly getting greener and more efficient.

What’s the impact of digital transformation on solutions and technologies for data centers?

Listen to Kresimir Krpan talking about the impact of digital transformation, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on the datacentre solutions.

How climate change rules are driving data center cooling innovation

Many European data center operators have made impressive strides around energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction in recent years.

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