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De nombreux clients travaillent avec un partenaire revendeur Vertiv pour acheter des produits Vertiv destinés à leurs applications informatiques. Les partenaires disposent d’une formation et d’une expérience approfondies et sont particulièrement bien placés pour spécifier, vendre et assurer le soutien de solutions informatiques et d’infrastructure complètes avec les produits Vertiv.

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solutions builder

Traditional Data Center

Data Centers are climate-controlled environments varying in size with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipment.

Common Challenges

  1. Complex integrations of diverse multi-vendor products take an extended amount of time to deploy delaying the go live date leading to potential revenue loss.
  2. High density racks with inadequate cooling create hot spots leading to premature equipment failure increasing equipment replacement costs.
  3. Insufficient battery backup needed to support critical equipment during a power outage leads to unplanned downtime.
  4. Technology advancements and changing business needs render equipment obsolete before the scheduled refresh period.

Typical Applications

Purpose built physically secure space with thermal and power installed such as:

  • Enterprise Data Center
  • Colocation Data Center
  • Managed Hosting Facility
  • Cloud Data Center

Select a Reference Design and Contact Us Now to Configure a Vertiv Solution

Contact Vertiv sales support at +1 866 277 1924 or contact us to upgrade or swap out hardware, accessories, or add on software and services to modify the solution to match specific business needs.

Recommended Reference Design

Solution: Rack

Solution Overview: Single floor mounted cabinet integrated with necessary hardware to support IT gear.

Reference Design No. 4


Essential Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 1500VA Capacity

Reference Design No. 5


Enhanced Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 2200VA Capacity

Reference Design No. 6


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 3000VA Capacity

Reference Design No. 7


Essential Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 5kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 8


Enhanced Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 5kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 9


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U Rack 6kVA Capacity


Solution: Row

Solution Overview: Multiple floor mounted cabinets integrated with necessary hardware to support IT equipment.

Reference Design No. 19


Premier Commercial and Office 42U
3 Rack Row 20kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 20


Premier Commercial and Office 42U
3 Rack Row 20kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 21


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U 6 Rack Row 36kVA Capacity


Solution: Sealed Row

Solution Overview: Multiple floor mounted cabinets integrated with necessary hardware to support IT equipment, sealed to prevent environmental disturbances such as water, dust, or debris from entering the system.

Reference Design No. 22


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U 3 Rack Row 20kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 23


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U 4 Rack Row 34kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 24


Premier Conditioned and Controlled
42U 6 Rack Row 51kVA Capacity


Solution: Aisle

Solution Overview: Multiple floor mounted cabinets integrated with necessary hardware to support IT equipment, rack independent aisle containment to prevent mixing of conditioned air with unconditioned air.

Reference Design No. 25


Premier Conditioned and Controlled 42U
5 Rack Aisle Contained Row 40 kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 26


Premier Conditioned and Controlled 42U
5 Rack Aisle Contained Row 40 kVA Capacity

Reference Design No. 27


Premier Conditioned and Controlled 42U
8 Rack Aisle Contained Row 80 kVA Capacity


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