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5G in the Access Network


Delivering the ultra-low latency and high bandwidth at frequencies most compatible with 5G requires dense networks with far more cell sites than existing 3G and 4G architectures. These sites require powerful computing resources that potentially could double energy consumption at each tower and fundamentally change the demands placed on the power and cooling infrastructure.

Reliable, efficient DC power systems are critical to 5G network expansion and the reduction of OpEx across those 5G sites. In addition, those power-hungry 5G radios present practical challenges. Without the necessary power boost, the power drop from the base of the tower to the radio often forces a battery draw that could leave the site unprepared for an unexpected outage. We have solutions for all these needs, as well as the cabinets and enclosures to protect 5G equipment from the elements, vandalism and theft.

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increase in total network energy consumption expected by 2026 due to 5G


of global energy consumption comes from the telecom industry

Case Study

Vertiv is enabling a major wireless service provider’s 5G rollout by replacing concrete shelters at the base of existing cell towers with smaller, lightweight steel enclosures that ensure vital electronic equipment is protected from vandalism and environmental damage. The Vertiv™ XTE 802 Series walk-in cabinet (WIC) is being installed with the proper power system and space for two IT racks, essentially reducing the equipment footprint at the base of the tower while still leaving room to grow.


Need reliable, efficient DC power at existing cell sites


Key Considerations
  • Sizing the DC power system to meet current and future requirements
  • Meeting the need for rapid deployment
  • Ensuring no downtime when expanding power and load distribution
  • Improving energy efficiency with upgrade or retrofit



Additional sites to support 5G are dramatically increasing power consumption


Key Considerations
  • Monitoring site usage and power consumption
  • Ensuring DC power systems offer efficient operation without compromising reliability
  • Evaluating viability of alternative energy sources
  • Scaling for future growth



Power drop from base to remote radio head is forcing unwanted battery draws
Physical security of equipment against elements, theft and vandalism


Key Considerations
  • Understanding climate and thermal management requirements
  • Evaluating nature of human threats and potential costs compared to enhanced security






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