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Webinar: Telco Industry Hopes and Fears for 5G

Webinar Recording:
Keys to Success for 5G 


Originally recorded on May 16, 2019, this webinar features Vertiv 5G expert Eric LeCalvez, VP Strategic Accounts, and Brian Partridge, VP Applied Infrastructure and DevOps Channel from 451 Research, as they discuss the challenges and keys to success for 5G implementation over the next decade and beyond.


  • How should you begin outlining your 5G implementation?
  • What are the first steps in your 5G plan?
  • What factors play a critical role in success?
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Watch Brian Partridge, VP 451 Research, discuss what he found most surprising and significant about the results of the interviews 451 did with telecom operators about 5G installation challenges and keys to success.

Vice President Brian Partridge leads the Applied Infrastructure & DevOps Channel at 451 Research 

In this role, Brian has overall responsibility for the team's syndicated and custom research deliverables. As a researcher he actively contributes to the Internet of Things (IoT) research agenda and has subject matter expertise in telecom, mobility and networking domains.  Brian joined 451 Research with The 451 Group's acquisition of Yankee Group in 2013. Prior to nearly 10 years at Yankee Group, Brian held various senior-level marketing and sales roles at leading technology vendors such as ReefEdge Networks, 3Com, Enterasys Networks and Cabletron Systems. Partridge holds a BS degree in business administration from the University of New Hampshire and an MBA degree from Plymouth State University.


451 Research Report: Global Operator Survey Reveals Telcos' Hopes and Fears for 5G: From Energy Costs to Edge Compute 

Download the Paper

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