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It’s not an exaggeration to say the global pandemic created a new healthcare delivery model virtually overnight. Telehealth, previously a simmering patient engagement option, has now erupted.

The global telehealth market is expected to grow dramatically, reaching $266.8 billion by 2026 and showing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.4% between 2018 and 2026. The biggest barrier to pre-pandemic adoption was behavioral inertia. Now due to COVID-19, momentum is building toward a marked transformation.

Understandably, most healthcare providers are struggling to keep pace. Existing IT systems, infrastructure, and security and privacy protocols already were stretched or outdated due to the proliferation of diversified healthcare systems. Telehealth adds another layer of complexity requiring new IT strategies and investments.

Read our white paper to learn more about the critical decisions that are looming for healthcare IT managers and chief information officers (CIOs).

Download the White Paper

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