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Strengthening Mission-Critical Microgrids with a Battery Energy Storage System

juillet 06, 2023

Diesel generators are the preferred option for extended backup power today, but that mostly unused stranded power isn’t an ideal allocation of resources. Energy sources that are always-on and contribute to the day-to-day energy supply are far more appealing. When coordinated within a microgrid, these always-on power assets can monetize the daily energy supply in ways that traditional sources can’t. Thus, a microgrid system gives businesses an intelligent, transparent way to manage their always-on energy assets, also known as distributed energy resources (DERs), in a manner idle generators can’t match.

Microgrids can rely on any number of energy sources for local power generation, including but not limited to battery energy storage systems (BESS), solar panels, thermal energy storage, combined heat and power, wind power, fuel cells, and reciprocating engine generators. This white paper will examine the benefits of a BESS and factors that organizations should consider when evaluating a microgrid and local power generation

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