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Telcos & Edge Computing: Opportunity Distraction or Threat (Intro video)

Are telcos ready for the opportunities and challenges presented by edge computing for their IT infrastructure and 5G networks? Watch the above video and visit Threat or opportunity? What edge computing means for telcos and the IT industry, for the full impact of edge computing on the telco IT infrastructure. Edge computing is one of the most important technologies of the next decade, being the main enabler of the 5G networks and internet-connected devices. Because of that, it promises great opportunity for telcos, but it also comes with great challenges. Our panel of global telecom experts debated this and revealed who are the main beneficiaries of the telco edge.

Are telcos ready for the opportunities and challenges presented by edge computing for their IT infrastructure and 5G networks? Watch the video clips below to see what our experts have to say.


What are the 3 keys for Telcos to successfully monetise 5G?

Want to know how can telcos best monetise their 5G network architecture? Watch the above video and visit Threat or opportunity? What edge computing means for telcos and the IT industry., for the full impact of edge computing on the telco IT infrastructure. With 5G set to transform the user experience, Jon Abbot, Telecoms director gives his view on the 3 keys for how can telecom operators ensure that they are able to monetise their investment in and not simply build a platform for others to deliver content.


How can telcos address the edge compute power needed for 5G?

Wondering how well placed telcos are for the edge compute power required by 5G and its overlap with the IT network? Watch the above video and visit Threat or opportunity? What edge computing means for telcos and the IT industry, to uncover the full impact of edge computing on the telco IT industry, This is turning into a competitive issue for the telecom operators. Fernando Garcia, General Manager Vertiv LATAM, opens the debate on this topic.


How to get the right power to the network edge, for 5G?

How are operators facing the challenge to power both the telecoms gear and the edge computing needed for 5G? Watch the above video and visit Threat or opportunity? What edge computing means for telcos and the IT industry, to uncover the full impact of edge computing on the telco IT industry. 5G doesn’t just require any power but the right power. Danny Wong, Director Telecoms Asia talks how operators overcome this issue but also remain energy efficient.


What's required to unlock the telco network Edge potential?

Curious to see what’s the next stage of the telecom network infrastructure, dictated by 5G and edge computing? Watch the above video and visit Threat or opportunity? What edge computing means for telcos and the IT industry, to uncover the full impact of edge computing on the telco IT industry. Operators have already deployed compute and storage in central office sites for optimization reasons. Scott Armul, Vice President of DC Power Systems Vertiv talks about what the natural progression of this strategy is vis a vis 5G and edge.



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