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The burgeoning growth of data-enabled businesses across the developing markets of Africa has led to an explosion of data center demand closer to users. It is no longer economical to serve these customers from hubs located thousands of kilometers from where the information is produced and consumed. Internet Solutions, with their partner Dimension Data made the decision to expand its data center footprint in the increasingly connected center of African commerce, Johannesburg. However, the key challenge in this market is to build a highly reliable, world-class facility in a way that offers future flexibility and enhanced performance.


  • Scalable, future-proof infrastructure to align to growth needs
  • World-class facility delivered to a satisfy the requirements of a growing region
  • Reliable, low-risk partner for ensuring projects remain on time and on budget
  • Ongoing local support for operations


Case Summary

Johannesburg, South Africa

Critical Need:

Reliable and high-quality modern data center infrastructure in a challenging market

Vertiv Solution:

Prefabricated Modular data center infrastructure

The Solution

Internet Solutions and Dimension Data turned to Vertiv to deliver a high-quality prefabricated modular Tier III compliant data center system for their Parklands facility. The solution consists of 120 racks with expansion to up to 286 racks and built around industry-leading VertivTM power (including the Liebert® TrinergyTM Cube UPS) and thermal management technologies (including room cooling, and SmartAisle containment and control), as well as advanced Lithium Ion batteries for reduced operational expenses.

Designed to accommodate ocean shipment, the facility was prefabricated, integrated, and tested in Vertiv’s European facility. It was then disassembled into 12 shippable units, packed for transport, and made the journey to South Africa, where it was reassembled on site and ready for testing in under 6 weeks.


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