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Thermal System Upgrade Saves $380K and Earns Healthcare Company Nearly $700K in Rebates

octobre 15, 2020


The retrofit of 63 cooling units in a Silver Spring, Maryland data center is just part of the organization’s decade-long commitment to reducing its environmental footprint. With oversight from Tec Inc. Engineering and Design, the thermal system upgrade by Vertiv enables the healthcare consortium to reinvest considerable savings into additional innovative technologies, further establishing the foundation for a sustainable future.


  • Saved more than 3 million kWh and $360,000 in energy costs per year
  • Reduced carbon footprint by 72%
  • Earned $690,023 in rebates from local and state-level energy providers
  • Expected return on investment in less than three years
  • Improved reliability, visibility and control, along with better workforce productivity


Case Summary
Location:​ Silver Spring, Maryland
Critical Need: With a mission to improve human health and an objective to be a carbon-neutral healthcare system by 2020, this company sought a retrofit of 63 data center cooling units. Working with Vertiv, the healthcare leader aimed to generate enough energy cost savings and rebates to offset project costs, allowing the healthcare consortium to reinvest into additional technologies that further establish its foundation for a sustainable future.
Vertiv Solution:
  • Electronically commutated (EC) fans
  • Vertiv™ iCOM™ platform including controls and sensors
  • New chilled water actuators
  • Networking to enable cooling unit teamwork
Download the Case Study

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