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Remote Monitoring and Liebert EXM UPS from Vertiv Protect Shenandoah County’s Emergency Communications


Shenandoah County is located in northern Virginia. The Department of Emergency Communications (DEC) serves as the Public Safety Answering Point for all 911 emergency requests for assistance. The Communications Center is staffed with 16 full-time and several part-time Public Safety personnel who provide both Basic 911 and Enhanced 911 (E911) support. E911 provides more specific location information on the whereabouts of a wireless caller by using latitude and longitude coordinates to speed accurate response.


  • Reduced the risk of losing service, increased system availability.
  • Improved uptime, even during system maintenance.
  • Enhanced, fail-safe, generator synchronization.
  • Established dependable battery run time for reliable safety buffer.
  • Improved cost control and maintenance process.


Case Summary
Location:​ Woodstock, Virginia
Critical Need: States Jason Malloy, Director of Emergency Communications, "We began to experience degrading power backup and less reliable UPS performance, which is unacceptable to our mission." In addition to outdated components, the previous non-Liebert power system was not provisioned with a proper power maintenance bypass to allow servicing without disrupting the ECC systems. "We knew it was time to take action before we put the county at risk", says Malloy.
Vertiv Solution:
  • Liebert® EXM™ UPS with Optimized Battery and Maintenance Bypass Cabinets
  • Integrated Liebert Unity Dual Protocol Communications Card
  • LIFE™ Services

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