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Healthcare Pharmaceutical Facility Optimizes System Availability with Vertiv Thermal Services

juin 06, 2019

Vertiv delivers a standardized thermal preventive maintenance program to service 39 facilities in 23 states, reducing the risk of system failure while streamlining healthcare IT management and cutting costs.


A large, diversified health and well-being company maintains a network of national pharmaceutical compounding operations. These operations pose a unique challenge of ensuring the air and temperature are tightly managed to protect the integrity of the cleanroom environment. On top of that, incremental growth and a series of acquisitions resulted in a mix of HVAC equipment serviced by various suppliers. Looking to streamline processes and minimize risk, the company needed a reliable approach to maintaining its cooling equipment in these critical environments.


  • Dramatically reduced risk of thermal system failure and temperature fluctuations that could lead to potential contamination of sterile environments
  • Standardized service across 39 locations, streamlining workflow, increasing efficiencies, lowering costs, improving access to needed parts, and saving time and headaches
  • Established a comprehensive equipment inventory to facilitate strategic lifecycle planning and budgeting
  • Provided a long-term plan for equipment standardization across facilities, which will lead to even greater reliability and cost efficiencies


Case Summary
Location: 39 facilities dispersed across 23 states housing pharmaceutical operations with cleanroom settings.
Vertiv Solution: Vertiv provided a three-year thermal preventive maintenance program including quarterly visits to all 39 facilities to optimize thermal system availability and efficiency.
Critical Need: The health and well-being company needed to standardize and streamline HVAC maintenance across facilities to meet a corporate-level directive. The organization was in search of a trusted, safety- and quality-conscious provider with capabilities to service a wide range of equipment across the United States. By standardizing service, and eventually equipment, the company sought to reduce risk and improve reliability, capitalize on cost and time efficiencies, streamline workflow and communications, and better forecast and budget for future service and equipment needs.


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