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Global Bank Achieves Business Continuity Goals Using Vertiv™ Busway Solution

novembre 02, 2021


In alignment with this global bank’s strategic plan to cut costs through automation and better technology, the company has accelerated efforts to modernize its legacy IT infrastructure while reaping the benefits of cloud computing. Working through a colocation provider using highly reliable power distribution infrastructure, the bank now has access to world-class data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning that can support a range of new operational possibilities.


  • Power distribution flexibility
  • Enhanced safety with touch-safe components
  • Scalability with minimal up-front investment
  • Redundancy for maximum uptime


Case Summary

North America

Critical Need:

Ensure the bank’s colocation-hosted applications run in a reliable, safe, secure and highly available environment

Vertiv Solution:
  • Vertiv™ Powerbar iMPB power distribution busway system
Download the Case Study

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