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Cupiagua Field Uses Precision Cooling for Energy Savings and Improved Availability

avril 30, 2021


The Cupiagua field in eastern Colombia is an important source of gas and represents a considerable source of income for the local community. Almost since its inception, managers of the Cupiagua field have been using the same conventional, comfort air conditioning equipment, which generated high operating costs and low energy efficiency due to long-time use. A move to precision cooling equipment was needed to address these issues and the frequent power outages occurring due to overheating of the electrical panels, especially in the storage facilities, control and gas reinjection rooms, the reinjection containers, and the field’s main substation.



  • Optimized cooling throughout the production lines, storage facilities, control room, gas reinjection room, reinjection containers, and main substation
  • Drastic reduction in corrective maintenance and parts replacement
  • Electricity savings of 12% with no negative impact on availability and customer service
  • Comprehensive, integrated thermal management solution that did not require local adaptations


Case Summary

Aguazul, Casanare

Critical Need:

The heat density of the existing critical infrastructure at Cupiagua field was 6-10 times greater than a typical office space, requiring an intelligent thermal management solution to ensure proper environmental monitoring and gas production continuity.

Vertiv Solution:
  • 32 Liebert® PEX precision air conditioning systems between 20-35 kilowatts
  • Liebert® Mini-Mate2 thermal management system
  • Smoke, gas, and fuel sensors
  • Intelligent Liebert® iCOM™ controls for electrical substation
  • Engineering, installation, testing, and commissioning with follow-up technical support

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