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Liebert Solutions Protect University’s Unique Engineering-Focused IT Needs with Increased Cooling Efficiency

juillet 11, 2018


Managing a data center designed to support the needs of more than 4,500 students and staff, the IT staff at the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering is charged with integrating the university’s enterprise IT infrastructure with the school’s unique, engineering-focused IT needs. The data center is also used to provide redundant web service for university websites and back-up services for several departmental groups, making IT system availability critical to these applications.


  • Doubled cooling capacity and physical capacity of data center.
  • Optimized server configuration and airflow for maximum efficiency and IT availability.
  • Improved Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) by 5.5 percent.

Case Summary
Location: College Park, Maryland
Critical Need: Optimize an existing data center infrastructure for efficiency, availability and space-utilization to promote availability and accommodate future IT growth.
Vertiv Solution:
  • Comprehensive Thermal Assessment with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling
  • SmartAisle™ technologies, including Liebert® CRV™ Row-Based Precision Cooling Solution with Liebert iCOM™ Controls and remote monitoring facilitated by Liebert’s Virtual Ntegrity Gateway (VNG)
Download the Case Study

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