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It’s easy to take life’s basic necessities for granted – food, electricity, shelter, water.

For some who experience an abundance of these resources, these are often the least of their concerns. But for many, they are critical in everyday survival. It’s no surprise, then, that utilities ranked first in the Vertiv Most Critical Industries report released fairly recently. Utilities, defined to include “electrical power generation, electrical transmission and distribution, gas” have become so crucial that disruptions have a broad impact across society, even causing economic disruptions.

In this climate of an open economy, the utilities industry is looking to address new demands including rising cost, speed of deployment, ease of implementation and flexibility. In addition, there is the need to ensure the sustainability and availability of resources to support a globally ballooning population.

The Value of Modular Data Centers

The IT infrastructure industry must adapt and evolve to respond to these challenges. When we look at technology, for example, consumers are now utilizing ‘smart’ devices to track energy consumption. Some organizations, meanwhile, are installing intelligent sensors to help them manage their critical facilities, track malfunctions and disturbances and aid in overall maintenance to avoid disruptions.

With intelligent devices and IoT (Internet of Things) becoming the norm for many industries, businesses must be able to manage both their core data centers and edge IT applications to ensure flow of communications with consumers. In this instance, converged IT infrastructure solutions – such as our SmartCabinet and SmartRow solutions – are ideal.

Use Case: Streamlined Business Operations with an Upgraded IT Infrastructure

In Malaysia, for instance, water provider Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA) opted to upgrade their IT infrastructure to better manage their business operations. By installing the SmartRow™ converged solution, SADA was able to turn a small space into a data center with the flexibility to increase capacity as future need arises. Additionally, this new data center will allow SADA to better monitor and manage their assets and fulfill their goal of providing clean water to thousands of local residents in Kedah.

Technology is reshaping the utilities industry and with the right strategy and solutions in place, the industry will be able to harness these new technologies to better address the demands in this challenging environment.

For more information about our converged IT infrastructure solutions, visit the SmartRow product page

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