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Monitoring is not new. Managed services providers and IT teams have used monitoring solutions for years to manage networks and critical infrastructure, protect companies from unplanned downtime, and rapidly address evolving risks and threats — all while being off site.

Here’s what is new in an era of stay-at-home mandates. Companies can no longer guarantee access to key assets, such as co-located data centers, which may be closed to visitors for safety reasons. In addition, companies in all industries are grappling with a new type of business continuity risk — threats to the health and well-being of their IT teams.

All of these factors strengthen the value of monitoring solutions. The days of “sneakernet,” or the physical strolling of data center floors to listen to equipment hum, staying tuned for alerts, and checking equipment screens are over for now and probably forever. Now is the time for companies to take advantage of connected systems for improved visibility of critical environments and adopt technology that helps them achieve service level agreements regardless of physical location.

Here’s the value monitoring provides as companies grapple with a global pandemic:

  • Replaces human senses with technology sensors – Many companies have enhanced network monitoring solutions and can add telemetry for key insights into remote facilities. These systems can easily monitor equipment conditions, such as electrical reliability, thermal services, and battery condition, focusing on issues that may require rapid resolution. Similarly, companies can enhance physical security by detecting unauthorized access with door contact sensors, motion sensors, and other tools. All of this information can be captured and analyzed through a single interface, providing a robust, real-time view of data center operations.
  • Keeps staff safe with remote working – IT staff and their partners can execute data center and networking operations from the safety and comfort of their own homes, using a secure connection to management systems for performing key duties. Monitoring and management solutions can protect IT teams’ health and help companies communicate that they care about their teams’ physical well-being.
  • Maintains business continuity in all conditions – Companies are now reviewing their talent model to create redundancy of key skills. After all, it’s not easy to fill key roles on a moment’s notice if individuals need to step away for an extended period of time. Partners like Vertiv can build redundancy into your talent model and critical operations by providing around-the-clock remote monitoring services for key infrastructure assets.
  • Centralizes data center management – Some companies are still managing distributed processing in individual locations, decreasing transparency. The current health crisis has demonstrated that companies need a single pane of glass for data center management now more than ever. Centralized management software provides that visibility, enabling you to standardize operations globally, creating greater efficiencies.
  • Improves infrastructure security – Even large companies struggle to manage growing device fleets that can create unknown gaps and risks. Meanwhile, teams need to focus on strategic work. Vertiv can help by keeping software and firmware up to date, ensuring all device passwords are reset and compliant with up and coming regulations like the California IoT Security Law. Our teams can also provide you with visibility into other risks and threats like legacy technology that isn’t compliant with modern security protocols and encryption standards.
  • Enables partnership with an essential business – Many leaders are learning the hard way that their businesses aren’t considered essential, and they are unable to operate as usual during this global crisis. Vertiv is considered essential around the globe, enabling us to lighten customer workloads by taking on more responsibilities.

If you haven’t deployed solutions to enable remote operations yet, now is the time. As the current crisis has revealed, better business continuity isn’t just a technology issue. It’s also a talent imperative.

As always, Vertiv is here to help as an extension of your team. If you need service, parts, or technical support, please contact your Vertiv representative.

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