- Nearly 300 square feet of condenser surface reduces operating and peak power
- All components serviced from rear of unit
- Units capable of being placed side-by-side
- Pumped Refrigerant Economizer and Liebert iCOM controls provide automatic, seamless transitions between modes
- Efficient in low load / part load conditions
- Minimal cabinet air leakage
- No volumetric displacement of outside air, in contrast to heat wheel solutions
- 3 configurations for natural matchup on perimeter or rooftop deployments
- Reduced weight and footprint
- No heat wheels, seams or motors to maintain
- Liebert pump basically maintenance free
- No dampers or outside air filters
Cooling equipment accounts for as much as 40% of data center operating costs.¹ A chilled water cooling system for a 1MW data center uses around 4 million gallons of water annually.²
Colocation, cloud hosting and other large data centers need cooling solutions with low total cost of ownership - solutions that save energy, conserve water, reduce risks and make it easier to manage facilities.
The Liebert® DSE™ Packaged Solution is the world's most efficient and reliable water-free cooling system for data centers. Available as a 400kW packaged solution for building perimeter or rooftop installation, the Liebert DSE 400kW provides a very competitive total cost of ownership solution.
1 V1 Vertiv energy-savings calculations.
2 Vertiv calculations of average gallons saved in U.S. locations.
3 Data center conditions: 104° F Ambient; 60,300 ACFM; 420 KW; 22F ∆T
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