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Digitization in the Classroom

Today's modern classrooms harness technology to aid and equip students with the knowhow to support their daily lives. As IT becomes an integral part of the classroom, how can schools and universities protect their existing infrastructure to support compute requirements?

Infrastructure Challenges

Challenges and Opportunities in Education IT

  • A typical campus would have multiple buildings – all connected to the same network. Typically, an IT manager would be responsible for managing the entire campus network.

  • As IT is not the main business of educational institutions, normally there is only a small IT team. Faced with this challenge, the IT manager manager would need visibility, access, control and management of all of the IT assets spread throughout the campus…all from his office.

  • IT managers must ensure that sensitive student data and information are protected against cyber attacks and other threats.

  • The school’s IT assets must be protected in its entirety, from hardware to software.

  • On the data center level, assets must be protected through centralized monitoring for insight, security and ease of management.

  • Schools are now collecting more data about their students than ever before.

  • Data is being used to track student performance and to measure personal development.

  • IT managers must ensure that sensitive student data and information are protected against cyber attacks and other threats.

  • The school’s IT assets must be protected in its entirety, from hardware to software.

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