Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Vertreter eines der Hersteller von Vertiv erlaubt die Konfiguration komplexer Designs für Ihre individuellen Anforderungen. Wenn Sie ein Unternehmen sind, das technische Beratung zu einem großen Projekt benötigt, kann Vertiv Ihnen diesen Support bieten.

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Viele Kunden erwerben Vertiv Produkte für ihre IT-Anwendungen über einen Vertriebspartner von Vertiv. Unsere Partner verfügen über umfangreiche Schulung und Erfahrung und sind einzigartig dafür positioniert, ganze IT- und Infrastrukturlösungen mit Vertiv-Produkten zu spezifizieren, zu verkaufen sowie Support dafür anzubieten.

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World-class education and training opportunities to help you understand the potential of your investment.


Customer Education

Vertiv offers world-class education and training opportunities to help your staff understand the potential of your communication investment. Our training courses provide a cost-effective way to ensure your workforce is capable of performing tasks safely and at the highest level of efficiency. We also assist in ensuring compliance with the latest regulatory requirements, while optimizing process and equipment knowledge.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best end result: a safer environment, retention of top employees, and a reduction of overall costs.

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Why Vertiv?

Expertise Image

No one knows your electrical infrastructure like we do. With nearly 50 years of experience in electrical testing, maintenance and engineering services, amplified by decades of performance data, we bring a deep understanding of application issues and systems to every project.

Quality Image

We are a flexible and scalable partner that has invested in the technology, people and processes to ensure the highest quality of service on every project. Our excellent customer satisfaction scores result from strict adherence tp well-defined processes that leverage best practices and are executed by professional and reliable specialists.

Safety Image

When it comes to safety and compliance, no other organization offers the assurance that Electrical Reliability Services delivers. Our commitment is demonstrated by our disciplined approach to workplace safety, our superior safety ratings, our up-to-date knowledge of standards and regulations and our staff of certified trainers

Need More Information?

Contact your local Vertiv Sales representative for more information about our training courses and the latest schedules.


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